So when we last left the jazz kids, things were in turmoil. Kaoru was super pissed at Sentaro for agreeing to join a crappy Beatles cover band. Also, Jun-bro was nowhere to be found.
Luckily, things resolved themselves pretty perfectly this episode. First, Ritsuko starts treating Kaoru super nice after his temper tantrum. It’s probably because the other girls thought they were dating. After hearing that this was not the case, all the other girls were brought into Kaoru’s yard (possibly drawn in by his milkshake?). Ritsuko probably needed this for social proof that Kaoru wasn’t just some random thug. Then the two of them were put onto the school festival committee, which is pretty much a wedding sentence in anime.

Later on, we find out that Jun-bro is emulating his hero a bit too closely, strung out in the basement of Ritsuko’s dad. This is majorly awkward since Yurika and Sentarou were about to make out, even though Yurika seemed more into Jun-bro.
Finally, when the day of the festival comes, the Beatles cover band is sabotaged by some upperclassmen, so Sentarou and Kaoru go unplugged and wow the crowd with a medley of jazz standards. Triumphant, and to sound applause, the two bros run off into the sunset to make jazz together forever, starting with My Bromance.

So… I’m not sure what’s left for this series. I guess they can play more jazz, hook up with bitches (“I played that bitch some jazz; Bitches love jazz”), and get Jun-bro into rehab. After that there’s not much more, right? Unless it’s revealed that Yurika is really an alien and they need to save her from the Men in Black or something…