So I’m putting new anime series into Anime Nano. And while I do so, I’m just rapidly looking at their websites to make sure they’re not OVAs, second season, lame shows, etc. I thought I’d use this as a chance to up my post count, so here’s my extremely biased/misinformed preview of the Winter 2009 anime!
Is this some kind of crossover between Maria-sama ga Miteiru and xxxHolic!? It has a maid and a girl with an eye mole who may or may not be voiced by Hirano Aya. Is she even popular anymore? Looks like it’ll be a bore!
Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo
There must be a motif in Japanese about girls leaping through things. Time, the sky, etc. Also, I looked at the JDict entry for “kakeru” and there’s like a million uses for the verb! I’m familiar with the use of “kakeru” as casting some kind of spell (mahou wo kakete). Anyway, this anime involves space, which usually means I probably won’t watch it. Not that I’ve had time to watch anything while in grad school…
This looks like the badass series of the season. What with the all-caps treatment of the title and tough dude and CG Mech things.
Asu no Yoichi
If this series has any level of fanservice, I expect jpmeyer to make the following comment:
Asu no Yoichi? More like Assu no Yoichi!
This one already got licensed. What the hey!?
Kemono no Souja Erin
This one has some characters in tunics. Boring!
Chrome Shelled Regios
Sounds like some kind of breakfast cereal.
Hot girl on a bike/robot. Seems like a winner to me!
SakuranBOY DT
This looks like a gag show. I’d totally watch the first episode since I like dumb/weird comedy.
Hetalia Axis Powers
Is this like Mao-chan except with boys? Or maybe they’re big and just super deformed on the website. Oh well. Whatever.
4 replies on “Extremely Biased/Misinformed Preview of Winter 2009 Anime!”
It’s interesting how the only series I plan to watch this season isn’t even on this list. 😉
Merry Christmas. (A few days late, but whatever.)
I’ve only watched Kurokami and Maria+Holic.
I watch the first episode of Kurokami without knowing it’s licensed. 😛 Oh well.. anyway, the plot seems interesting but the pacing is slow.
As for Maria+Holic, the animation and art are bad but it is quite funny. Good for killing time if you are real bored.
Thanks for the compilation. I’ve been a bit behind on my anime.
The only one on the list that looks interesting is Rideback.
I’m afraid I’m horribly uninformed here, but this is a pretty cool list. Rideback and Viper’s Creed look pretty interesting. Thanks for posting it!