So I finally decided to upgrade to WordPress 2.0 after reading about how awesome it is at itsumo anime blog. The process was pretty painless. Mostly I was worried that the entire blog would be burned to the ground. Most of the process is backing up in case the process fails, but the upgrade is so easy that it’s kind of hard to screw it up.
The user interface does seem pretty cool, but besides that, I haven’t really checked out any new features because I’m really sleepy. I also read that the database functions are somewhat optimized in 2.0. Being a computer science nerd, that small gain in efficiency makes it all worth the while.
I’m using the built-in wordpress wysiwyg editor right now. It’s ok, but I wish it had spell check and header buttons. At this point, I’m considering just using the old wysiwyg plugin I had been using before.
I just tried uploading that wordpress image using the new upload tool, but it kind of sucks. I wanted to insert it full size, but for some reason, the editor likes it to be thumbnailed. Oh well. I guess I’ll stick with the WordPress Gallery plugin.
Overall, the new features seem weaker than the plugins I was already using, but I’m sure there’ll be new plugins for 2.0 only that will kick some ass, so I guess I’ll just have to wait for those.
Oh, and if you see anything on my blog that’s out of wack (that wasn’t before today) please let me know. I think I checked all of the possible mishaps, but it could be possible that an edge case got by me.
Edit: I just remembered a cool feature that really makes the upgrade worthwhile after reading hand of gory. The preview pane in WordPress 2.0 now uses your own theme, so you can see exactly what your post will look like. I had a problem with 1.5 because it was showing me the styles for the admin pages rather than for my blog’s style.
This is an awesome addition and it totally makes the upgrade a no-brainer. Looking back at the above stuff I wrote, it looks like I was just kinda grumpy from lack of sleep and having a cold. So yes, totally upgrade if you’re on 1.5, but dont’ take my word for it…
(how many of you used to watch Reading Rainbow and got that joke?)
2 replies on “WordPress 2.0 Upgrade Impressions”
Haha I don’t see anything wrong and I am using IE too! GJ! I am way too scared to switch to 2.0 since Hisyam installed 1.5 for me. I might do something stupid, like I dunno…turn my whole webpage blank again. I am prone to do something idiotic and have people fix it for me. LOL basically I have “problems”!
Haha oh I hope you don’t mind, but I added you to my blogroll! It’s always refreshing discovering a new and interesting blog. 😀 So keep up the awesome work! XD
I have to admit that I was just a little too excited when I first installed 2.0. Now that the excitement has worn off, it’s just the same old WordPress but with a different look. 🙂
By the way, I added you to my list of blogs. Sorry for not adding you earlier! I was too consumed with trying to get a new theme to look decent on the blog, but it didn’t happen.
Welcome to the animeblog-o-sphere! (I know, that’s ultra cheesy. lol)