Note: This preview of Shakugan no Shana is based only on the first episode. The first episode sets up the anime, so I don’t really consider anything in this preview to be spoiler material. That said, if you haven’t seen the first episode and you don’t want any “spoilers” whatsoever, maybe you should wait before reading on:
Sakai Yuji is just an average high school student with one exception. He’s dead. Apparently, a while back, a demon ate his soul, and now only a small part of his essence remains. While walking home from school, he’s caught in some kind of demon space-time trap, and is attacked by a giant baby that sort of looks like Astro Boy. He’s saved by our titular heroine, who then explains to him that he’s not really a living human anymore. Talk about having a bad day.
Now, I wouldn’t necessarily say this is a Bleach clone just yet, but there do seem to be a number of similarities. The difference seems that Sakai isn’t going to become some uber-powerful badass. Shana will probably have to work double duty on being cute and badass at the same time. She doesn’t look particularly cute in this episode itself, but look to the eye catch and ED for proof of my theory. Maybe Shana is really a DearS?
The animation for this episode is good, especially during the fight scene. Of course, most first episodes of anime have the best animation quality, so we’ll have to wait and see if the studio can keep up. The OP is catchy, but the ED seems kind of boring to me. The kawaii pictures of Shana during the ED make up for it, though.
My first impressions are that this series might end up being a Bleach clone(though that’s not necessarily a bad thing!), but it looks interesting, the animation and character designs are top notch, and I want to see some more cuteness from Shana, so I’ll stay with this anime and see where it goes.
7 replies on “Shakugan no Shana – Anime First Impressions”
I love this anime, but it tend tragic. Yuji is death when anime beginning. As a flame
fight, shana must kill him.
I love the depth this anime has, it brings to thought the many dimentions of human existance and our own roles in life. I await the next installments to further my opinon.
[…] I actually did manage to finish a lot of shows, like Fate/stay night, Hantsuki, Kage Kara Mamoru, Kashimashi, Kamisama Kazoku, Magikano, Muteki Kanban Musume, Shakugan no Shana, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, and Zero no Tsukaima! I guess I still need to work harder when it comes to finishing series. So part of my new year’s anime resolution is to keep working at my backlog. I also have quite a few domestic releases to review, both purchased and received as review copies. Like the Sakura Wars, Akira, Haibane Renmei and NieA under Seven DVDs that I bought just hanging out on my computer… Couple that with some Negima, Moon Phase and Trinity Blood DVDs and we’re talkin’ about a serious backlog! I also have a lot of manga to review as well. I keep buying it, plus companies keep sending it to me for free to review! My life is hard, I know… […]
[…] Sensei OP. She also did the Onegai Twins OP as well. More recently, she sang the second OP to Shakugan no Shana. In addition to singing, she also composes the music herself, too. […]
[…] back when my blog was first starting, Shakugan no Shana was my first anime impressions post. Whoa! Today I’m reviewing the first DVD of Shakugan no […]
this is really an interesting anime..
one of my favorites..
it starts quite serious but then theres also some hilarious moments..
i cant wait for next season..
hopefully there is another series…
shana rocks forever.
I really love this anime!!!