I got the second volume of Honey and Clover (along with some Love*Com) at the library a few weeks ago and I finally read the H&C. So here’s a quick review (mostly to remind me of what happened once I decide to read volume 3).
This volume was mostly a character-building one. We learn about Takemoto’s mom and his stepdad. And how he hates going back home because of him. There’s not much in the way of Morita backstory. He stays a mystery for a while. Mayama is outed in this volume as a stalker of sorts. But he gets a good job away from Rika. Oh, and we learn about how Hagu moved away from the country to experience cool stuff so she can paint it.
This volume is notable because it contains a lot of the quintessential Honey & Clover scenes. Like the one where Hagu looks at the giraffe and sorta memorizes it so she can paint it later. Actually, I dunno if that’s a really famous scene. But I liked it. Also, the part where Mayama carries Yamada and she confesses her love to him is in this volume. So sweet. Oh and the part where all the kids look for the four leaf clover to give to Shuu is here, too. Natsukashii!
I like reading Honey & Clover. It’s pretty dramatic and I enjoy that. It makes me want to make my life more dramatic as well! Maybe I should just settle for reading about it though. My feeling is that the narrative is a bit random. Like there’s no driving plot behind anything. Just a pair of love triangles. But I suppose that’s good enough for now.
Um. Thanks, AADL for letting me borrow Honey & Clover Volume 2.
3 replies on “Honey and Clover Vol. 2 – Manga Review”
Oddly enough, I have a hard time reading the “Honey & Clover” manga. I think the art kinda puts me off. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a BIG H&C fan. I loved and blogged both TV series and the OVAs. I loved and blogged the live-action movie (importing the R2 DVD since that had subtitles). I loved and blogged the live-action TV series. Yet, as things stand, I haven’t been able to get passed volume 3 of the manga. Weird.
Yeah, the art is kinda… bad isn’t it?
yes it is.