
Funimation Licenses Melancholy of Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)


Via ANN, it looks like Funimation licensed the Ouran High School Host Club anime. Sweetttt!!!!

It’s nice to see this anime get some credit after seeing the other Haruhi get licensed. Fujioka beats Suzumiya, hands down.

20 replies on “Funimation Licenses Melancholy of Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)”

How much you wanna bet that Ouran outsells that “other” Haruhi show? Ultimately, I think Fujioka has a much broader appeal than Suzumiya.

I think series-wise Melancholy has the wider potential appeal. Ouran is at heart a shoujo series, while Melancholy is a wider comedy. Personality-wise, Fujioka beats Suzumiya hands down in terms of personality, but Melancholy is ultimately about Kyon’s personality, and his is certainly much closer to Fujioka’s (though I still give Fujioka the edge there). No, if you’re comparing personalities with Suzumiya, you’d have to compare her with Tamaki…

I wonder who is going to voice Haruhi? I hope it’s not Lauren Bailey because they use her for too many shoujo dubs already. Maybe that chick who played Winry for Fullmetal would be cool. Or the one who played Hawkeye. But the one that’s going to make me worry the most is Tamaki. I hope that it’s Eric Vale!

I’m a far bigger fan of SHnY than OHSHC, but when it comes to choosing between the two Haruhis Fujioka has my vote. I actually LIKE the Ouran Haruhi, whereas the North High Haruhi has a rather annoying tendency to bring up the b-word in my head.

But yeah, popularity-wise, I think the SOS Dan has a clear advantage over the Host Club.

Blast – now I’m imagining what it would be like if Haruhi tried to take over the Host Club like she did the Computer Society. A much harder battle, to be sure (what with Kyouya the Terrible and all the rest of them to bar the way), but I wouldn’t write her off so easily . . .

LOL I just found out today that Funimation has licensed this. I’ve been reading HP7 this whole week; then I finally decided to check up on anime-related news. I can’t believe how a lot of my favorite shows are getting licensed now. It’s incredible!!

jeez, i hope this dub’ll be worth the watch. Eric Vale should def. do Tamaki. oh pls let this be a good dub this time ~_~

Guys, I love both anime’s, hearing that Ouran has finally been acquired is like Christmas, Birthday, Easter, New Years and Last Day of School all coming at once. Now I have my Haruhi’s securely in place to have at the top of my Collection. Now, my ideas are:
Tamaki will be played Vic Mignogna hands down
I’d like to see Haruhi played by Caitlin Glass (Winry from FMA)
If I can suddenly smuggle myself to America, I wanna play Kyouya!
And thats all I can think of :D.
So I think this is the best news I heard this year since SHnY came out.
So I will have a double Haruhi dub bonanza in my collection so very soon….

I nearly cried and wet my pants!!! I just found out, like five minutes ago that it was licensed. As soon as I found out, I googled the crap out of it to find out by whom. I’m just glad it was Funimation and not Viz like with Full Moon. I

I think the following should play…well the following!! ^_^

Vic Mignogna (GO VIC!! WOOT!) As Either Tamaki or Nekozawa…maybe Kyouya

Caitlyn Glass (I’m terrible with names…) As Either Haruhi or Renge

Aaron Dismuke has a 1 in 5 chance to play a semi-good Huni

Travis Willingham as either Mori or Kyouya maybe Nekozawa

The voice of Scar (FMA) for Mori or Kyouya

and Laura Bailey as Renge

I think those fit….except maybe Aaron……Oh well! IM JUST SO HAPPY CAUSE MY ABSOLUTE FAVE ANIME IS BEING DUBBED AT LAST!! *jumps for joy*

I don’t care who play who. I would think someone like a french guy to play Tamaki and haruhi should definatly be play form the person who does girl charaters but sounds like a boy(in .Hack/ the main charater that is stuck in the ‘World’) and kyouya should be not a nerd voice(who ever came up with that) and be that voice who plays in bleach: Ishada. and Mori; Bleach: Chad(they both have the same attitude). Honey has to be a kid voice and be cute at the same time… no idea… not many shows I know have both. And the twins are going to be hard to do. where are people going to get close enough voices(I mean one probly lower for Kikaru and a higher voice for Kaoru)for those twins? yikes I spoke me behalf enough already.

PS: I forgot like half the name for the shows I mentioned. Sorry.

i think they should have a cailm girl playing haruhi…. (catilin and laura arent really the people to play her… maybe catlin but deffilently not laura!)
and i think they should have huges voice from fma to play tamki though… and the rest they should decide…
and the fan girls should be played by real fan girls!!! so it gives us a chance to get in the anime!!

I’ve only seen this series, but it’s one on the best imo. The characters and steryotypical and they know it, which us great!

this is gonna kick so much ass, only problem is that its probably gonna be dubbed and all the dialog will be changed to meet american standers for TV

That would suck! I hope that they don’t! for one, ya they have to change some of it about Hikaru(like talking like a boy) and the part of going over board about the homo/little jokes(about the wording) so I hope they try keeping as much as possible!

Ah, yes. This phenomonon I personally call, “The ‘Haruhi-fication’ of just about EVERYTHING on Earth.”

Haruhi Suzumiya is INDEED making her own “ideal” world. Out of OUR own world. Right here. Right now.

After all, she is God. Well, at least to all those retards who call themselves “Haruhiists, bonafide members of the ‘honorable’ SOS-dan”.


I think this Fujioka will bring in more for FUNi than Suzumiya will/has for Bandai.
As far as voices go, I also hope that Laura doesn’t get the lead female role. Nothing against her, of course, but I think she plays too many lead females. They need to shake things up a bit.
I prefer my Tamaki to be voiced by John Burgmeier but I think Eric Vale would do nicely as well and I pray to heaven that Vic Mignogna will NOT get cast as Tamaki. I don’t have anything against him either, I hear he’s a great guy I just can’t see him playing Tamaki. I’d be thinking of Ed the whole time.

I think it’s silly to compare Fujioka and Suzumiya. Suzumiya is from a shonen anime, Fujioka from a shojo, their personalities are vastly different and all they really have in common is that they’re in a club and have the same name.

I won’t lie, my loyalties are with Suzumiya, though I have nothing against Fujioka. But I see the whole thing as pretty silly.

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