Anime Japan

My Funny Valentine


So today is Valentine’s day. In Japan, this means that girls must give guys chocolate. For guys, it’s like a huge disgrace not to get chocolates. I actually read in my Japanese culture class that office ladies will give chocolates to guys they don’t like. But they smash the chocolates into like a billion pieces before handing it to the guy!

Has someone already used this image today? Undoubtedly!

So today is Valentine’s day. In Japan, this means that girls must give guys chocolate. For guys, it’s like a huge disgrace not to get chocolates. I actually read in my Japanese culture class that office ladies will give chocolates to guys they don’t like. But they smash the chocolates into like a billion pieces before handing it to the guy!

A month later is White day, on March 14th. This is when guys must give gifts back to the girls who gave them stuff a month ago. Or it’s the time for them to forget and face divine punishment.

Disclaimer: all of this was taken from memory, plus I don’t live in Japan or anything, so don’t necessarily take my word for it!

Oh, and if you wanna see me act like a doofus in front of the internet, click here!

4 replies on “My Funny Valentine”

About girls sending chocolates to guys on Valentine and guy returning presents on white Valentine’s Day are the same as I heard too. ^_^

Anyway, happy Lovey Lovey Day

In my country (Czech Republic) we unfortunately dont have any tradition regarding to Valentine’s day. We “celebrate” this holiday a few years after we got a capitalistic country 🙂

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