Anime Mikan Watch

Mikan Watch #2: Kamichu!

It’s been a while since I updated my Mikan Watch series… like three years? Oh well. I was watching Kamichu with my girlfriend and I spotted a mikan box in episode three at around the 5:40 mark. I tried explaining to her that they’re kind of like easter eggs, and I’d point them out in […]

Anime Mikan Watch

Mikan Watch #1: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

I’ve written about the Mikan box thing before on this blog, and after seeing DiGiKerot’s own “Mikan Watch” segment on his blog, I figured I’d so something similar (AKA rip him off). My first mikan sighting comes from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. This particular mikan sighting happens at 15:03 of episode six, which I just watched. […]


Of Mikan Boxes, Obscure Anime Memes, and Clint Howard


About a month or so ago, my brother took a trip to Japan. When he asked me if I wanted him to bring me anything back, the first thing I thought of was naturally a cardboard box that said “mikan” on it. I mean, it’s not like I can just order one of those online! After trying to explain the allure of such an item (and failing; he’s not a big anime watcher), I just told him to get me whatever. He succeeded in getting some cool stuff, but I’m still without a mikan box.

Anime First Impressions

Potemayo – Anime First Impressions

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A lot of the new anime this season don’t really seem to interest me, and the ones that do aren’t subbed yet, so I’ll probably wait on them. Potemayo was one of the anime I really wanted to see, and luckily for me, it’s pretty easy to understand raw, so here’s my first impressions on this very weird anime.