So like Kabitzin, I was offered some free movie tickets to Death Note II for my faithful readers. Just go here and see if the movie is playing in your town. There are tickets for October 15 & 16 showings. Then um… Hmm… I guess I have to make this into a contest. Okay.
Leave a comment with a haiku about Death Note and I’ll pick two winners from random. Or maybe I’ll just pick the most entertaining haiku. Either way, I’ll contact the winners via email on 9/29/09.
11 replies on “Death Note II Movie Screening: Win Free Tickets!”
Judgment time
I have Death Note
Another victim
I write with no fear
The names of all my victims
Death is upon you
A secret I hold
That never can the world know
I am their new God
I want apples now
Raito give me apples
Yummy apples yum
I want some waffles
topped with strawberry syrup
I am known as L
death triumphs again
when will this mindless
killing end?
The murderer kills
the murderers, for justice,
he says. For justice.
Yummy Strawberry
Topped upon a cake
Is L’s favorite
Yummy Strawberry
Topped upon a big pink cake
Is L’s favorite
sorry I screwed up
Alright, the winners (Peachbun and Josephine) have been contacted! In case you’re wondering, I used to help me make the decision on winners.
Thanks to all who participated, and congratulations to the winners!
Ohwow! A movie!? sugoii.
Are the movies worth watching? I’ve read the manga originally, then I watched the anime. I didn’t really feel like watching the movie since it’d be like seeing the story a 3rd time.
The movies are different from the anime. The first one is bit campy, but the second is fantastic. Different ending, but still really great. the third has nothng to do with the storyline, but shows L at his best.
All I hope for now is that they don’t cast Zac Efron as Light in the American adaptation.