The psychological warfare continues in Death Note Volume 4 with an added bonus: Misa Misa! That’s right, the manga finally has a cute character. Besides Ryuk, of course.
Since there’s two Kiras, L asks Light to help him catch the second Kira, while secretly assuming that Light is still the first Kira. Light has a pretty tough job ahead of him: finding the other Kira while pretending not to be Kira, and while pretending not to know more than he already does. If it was me, I’d probably give it away in this sort of fashion…
Light finally meets up with Misa, a rising idol who happens to be a Death Note user. She’s totally in love with him, and would do anything for Light. Including killing people. Her shinigami, Rem, is totally overprotective, so there’s no way she’d let Light use Misa outright.
Together, they try to figure out how to dispose of L without getting caught. Too bad L is super smart! Take that, Kiras!
Light is such a bastard. First, he pretends to be friends with L while trying to kill him nonstop. Then he pretends to be Misa’s boyfriend while trying to use her and then kill her. Seriously, this dude needs to be taught a lesson in respect. He should just give up being Kira, since he’s got a hot girlfriend and a cool detective friend. But I guess that might be hard to do after having killed countless criminals…
At the end of the volume, Light hatches a scheme to save Misa and himself by going to prison. He parts with Ryuk (NOOOOO) and has to stay in jail until L is convinced that he’s not Kira. I’d like to note that being in jail isn’t really that bad, and in Monopoly, it’s actually a good strategy when a lot of the properties start having hotels… Just thought I’d throw that out there.
A lot of the psychological thinking is really too much now. Or at least, too wordy. I noticed that a lot of panels were pretty much 100% text. Maybe Death Note would work better as a light novel (no pun intended)? I think that’d be pretty sweet, actually. But yeah, between Light’s thinking and L’s thinking, there’s a hella lot of thinking going on.
I really hate Light now. We need an L spinoff (I think I heard rumors of something like that happening)! Maybe L can join forces with Ryuk and Misa, and they can all have adventures finding hidden treasure or something! That’d be a lot sweeter than reading about Light trying to kill everyone on the planet! Oh, and yeah, Death Note is good, but I hate Light.
Many thanks to Viz for sending me a review of Death Note Volume 4!
12 replies on “Death Note Vol. 4 – Manga Review”
Misa, I think, is one of the cutest anime character that I’ve seen. If only she had a better personality / character, she would be one of my favorites. But I find her character quite annoying. But I’m going to search for a Misa pic now and make it my wallpaper. 😀
Death note is really captivating^^. Could you please recommend the site where I can download the volumes with good quality scanning like those pages above? Thank you so much!!^^Nice day!
hello, nice work.
i really like death note.
my favorite charcter has to be l
i’m madly in love with l and i cried really hard when he died….-_-‘
this is soooo f****** good!
u should put more deathnote anime pages like this
mabey u shuold post other manga books like bleach naruto tokyo mew mew!!!!!!!
^.^ !.!
I love Death Note too.
I’m gonna get the Manga now, the anime rocked.
Yes there is an L spinoff, called L change the world, you should see the other 2 live action movies before you see this.
Apparently, it sucks, they try to make L an action hero, him running and jumping, always one step ahead, no brilliant deductions, second guessing or insight that makes him who he is.
Its really for Kenichi Matsuyama fans(L’s actor)to see him be L again, the portrayal of him in the movies is slightly inaccurate, he sees it as a game for him to win. Makes light of situations and acts far too childish and petty.
Also his diet is different, he eats potato chips now and cheaper lollies like lollipops. I think he only eats good quality cakes and ice cream, a very picky eater.
Wow that was longer than I intended, sorry, I loved the mini comic you put in. LOL where’d you get that?
omg i love deathnote the manga rox ! i love also full metal alchemist
andddddd bleach! oh and gundam seed love the pics btw!
I think this manga is asome :3
I kinda enjoy reading about Light and all the criminals he kills x3 Ive just read Death Note 1-3 and can not wait to read this one n_n
Since Light already has gone over the psychological limited of killing that many people, I think he is starting to get pretty mad. My theory, is that he later in the story will crack up or do a fault in porpose.
But I have no clue how someone can come up with a so good story as this. It just phenomenal 8D
I really hate Light now. We need an L spinoff (I think I heard rumors of something like that happening)! Maybe L can join forces with Ryuk and Misa, and they can all have adventures finding hidden treasure or something! That’d be a lot sweeter than reading about Light trying to kill everyone on the planet! Oh, and yeah, Death Note is good, but I hate Light.”
I actually think everything except this was ok. I mean, L and Yagami had a very complicated way of thinking which involves several complex and intelligent chats. It was actually not that hard to understand, but it was rather how and why they did what they did that was the hard part. I find your conclusion, with ALL respect, stupid. Light was indeed an asshole but he was being one in a good way, he had a meaning. “A lot of the psychological thinking is really too much now. Or at least, too wordy. I noticed that a lot of panels were pretty much 100% text.” The ‘pshychological thinking’ IS the entertaining part. The 100% text wasn’t too bad, more action would’ve been good, but still Death Note was an excellent piece of manga/anime, including the Light character.
“That’d be a lot sweeter than reading about Light trying to kill everyone on the planet!” No it wouldn’t. Some people just love the characters, not the actual manga’s storyline and the connection between the characters. Why would they go on finding treasures, that wouldn’t fit them at all.
Sorry for the long post, just wanted to tell =|
i want mooooore T-T
nice its so cute yagami ilike k
The best anime of the World. ^^