Anime First Impressions

Nishi no Yoki Majo – Astraea Testament (Good Witch of the West) – Anime First Impressions

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With a name like “Good Witch of the West,” I thought this anime was probably going to be a Wizard of Oz gaiden or something… It turns out that Nishi no Yoki Majo is actually a fairy tale romance anime. I’d read some pretty good reviews for this anime, so I decided to take give it a try.

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With a name like “Good Witch of the West,” I thought this anime was probably going to be an Oz gaiden or something… It turns out that Nishi no Yoki Majo is actually a fairy tale romance anime. I had read some pretty good reviews for this anime, so I decided to take give it a try.

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Nishi no Yoki Majo tells the story of a girl named Firiel Dee. She lives on a farm with some old people and feeds ducks, apparently. She’s also obsessed with fairy tales. For some reason, it seems like the government is censoring knowledge, including kids’ stories.

Firiel has just become old enough to go to a ball, so she does. While there, she dances with some guy (yawn). Additionally, the royalty spots some hot jewlery on her, and interrogates accordingly. This is where she finds out that her mom was a princess! Dun dun dunnn!!!

Some ninjas show up and destroy Firiel’s live as she knows it. It wasn’t really that great anyway, though…

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I guess the rest of the anime will explain the whole Firiel being a princess thing. The story seems like your typical fairy tale: girl lives in poverty, girl finds out she’s a princess, girl gets attacked by ninjas, y’know…

Character designs are pretty excellent. Firiel is way cute, but she also knows when to lay the smack down! Hagu-chan makes a cameo in this episode, too! There’s also the nerd, Roux Ltskin, as Firiel’s potential love interest(?). Those prince dudes are total bishies, though I think they might be more interested in each other.

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The animation looks good, and it seems this anime has a pretty large budget. The backdrops look really cool, and the night sky was particularly nice looking. I noticed some crazy bad CG in the beginning, but they didn’t use it all that much. I think overall the art fits the mood and style of this anime.

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The OP isn’t really special, but it fits the fairy tale setting of this anime. The ED is done by the same person who did the Peto Peto-san OP and ED. Her voice is really unique, and it adds an extra something to the song. The ED makes me really sleepy, but it’s cool.

Download the OP: “Starry Waltz” by kukui
Download the ED: “Aru Hi Kami-sama ni” by Mariaria

The first half of this anime was really, really boring. I guess farm activities and ballroom dancing don’t really interest me. The second half picked up with the book burning ninjas, though. To be honest, I’m not sold on this anime yet. Firiel might be a princess, but she’s no time traveling space esper… I might check out another episode of this anime just to see where it goes, but for now, I’d say it’s a little too simple for my tastes.

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15 replies on “Nishi no Yoki Majo – Astraea Testament (Good Witch of the West) – Anime First Impressions”

awe man~ ur mp3 links dont work :[ i really like the ED :3

i watched the 1st and 2nd eps…it seems really easy to figure out, so i’m not quite sure why everyone was like “WOW” :/

I agree, the first half of the anime is rather boring -__-. They havn’t done much but talk talk talk and worry worry worry and explain explain…well not much on the explaining. I’m on the third episode right now. I’m one of those people who like it so far cause i guess it’s different from the recent romance shows i’ve been watching. I personally LOVE the pauper to princess kinda thing and i’m delighted to know that she PROBABLY won’t fall in love with the prince of the story. INstead she MIGHT fall for her best friend n__n. Either way, it’s rather cute in some way. Just really…slow …

i just watched it recently. it was very nice. At first i thought was a story on a witch…bah, bah, bah…then i was wrong… it is worth watching….i am waiting for ep 4 to come out….

This is one of those series that if you only watch a few eps, then give up on it, you’re going to really be missing something special. Like most anime, the first eps are just setting the story up. It’s an incredible anime overall and the last few eps will have you glued to the screen in case you miss something. There is a pretty complex storyline woven through this one. It’s not your usual fairytale.

This anime is very great… The right word to describe it fabulous… firiel is very beautiful no wonder not only two men like her… The love story of Firiel & Roux is very sweet and so romantic… i hope Japan make the Season two of Nishi no Yoki Majo – Astraea Testament (Good Witch of the West) to continue the Love story of Roux and Firiel and also I also like to see Eusis and Roux-bou… Kawaii…

This is the best anime I’ve ever seen in a long, long, time. It’s not your usual pauper-turns-princess storyline, but much much deeper. It’s got its flaws, like vague conversation suffering from too much lighting, but overall this anime is good. 4/5 It’s best to watch it in a marathon, or else every thing will be mixed up.

I really don’t like the title because I’m not into those wizards spells or something like that but when I watched it, I realized that I was wrong and I’m totally moved… It’s the second anime series that made me cry… At first, it’s really unclear and it took me a long time to understand what’s going on and that’s the bad side of it but for me, it’s worth watching…

I personly LOVED this anime! I was attracted by he name (good witch of the west) because I love fantasy stuff and witches but it turned out I was all wrong! It still had this magical touch; with the dragons, the unicorns, the teletransportation and that mystious Bard. I love the storyline which is more difficult and complex to understand than it first seems! I’ve watched all 13 episodes in 1 day online and I totaly LOVED it!!! Adele is so sweet and innocent and pretty as well as Firiel and Roux is soooo cute and roux-bow is so cuddlely!!! I hope there will be a season 2 because the story does make it look that way in the end, altough the serie has stopped for over a year by now… ah, well…..
Anyway it’s a beautiful anime and I really recommend it!!! If you think that it get’s boring the 1st 2 or 3 episodes you should see the rest (expecially 9 till 13), than you’ll judge otherwise!!!! 🙂 😉
KuS, Me!!!!
(Kus is dutch for Kiss incase you didn’t know. I live in Holland 🙂 (K)(L) )

I have to agree that the beginning is abit well, to be be frank boring and terribly dry but if you manage to get past it, you’ll actually start to see some interestings traits. Like how some of the characters are named after fairy tale characters/creatures, and some might not be able to notice but if you think twice of the dialogue you’ll find it has double meanings and it’s actually deep.
Personally what I really found unique about this anime is how they potray mythical creatures, I fell in love with the unicorns way cooler than the ones from those cheesy hollywood stuff.
Another thing I totally fell head over heels was the romance, Roux is a bastard, and I love him! Like he’s really realistic, and the totally touching, he kept pushing her away just for her safety but in the end of it all. Fairy-tale style it ended with a kiss, and it was all happily ever after.
I enjoyed the little humour tip-bits, but I think that was one of the things lacking, if they pushed a bit more onto this, I think this would’ve been a really popular series.
Personally I was surprised to find this as Shojo, for there is alot of action and a bit of gore, along with angst.

I have not seen the anime, but I’ve read it’s manga and I can tell you it’s something really worth watching, whether it is the anime or the manga.

SPOILER – read at your own risk
There’s no time travelling espers in this anime, but a 900 years old android ought to sweeten up your taste.

Subarashii anime! I really like this anime, the title was the first thing that got me interested in this anime , it was because of the title that I began to watch this anime. I love magic, witches and that stuff, so do I love those dresses/clothes they have in this anime!! I recommend this anime.

it’s not the best anime but its very good especially e story, the twists, and the love story between roux and firiel.

please help me guys !!
I really want to see that anime sooooooo bad !!
but I can’t find it anywhere please help me !!

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