Just busy. Really busy. Super omega kawaii busy. So just a few news things and then I’ll get back to being busy.
For pretty much a whole week, I was in Tucson, AZ for the NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament. Our team won the first game, so I had to stay there until Yesterday. While there, we pretty much ate all the time, went to malls, and had fun. But I didn’t really have any access to the outside world.
I think I’m going to switch this to a “look what I bought” post, because I did get quite a few things in my absence:
While at the mall, I went into a Borders and checked out their manga selection. Unlike my normal Borders at home, they had import stuff! I saw a few titles that I recognized (Death Note, other stuff I can’t remember), but the one that caught my eye was the School Rumble manga! They were really expensive (like, $12 a book), but I decided I’d go ahead and grab the manga anyway. So now I have the first 2 volumes of School Rumble in Japanese! And it’s really tough to read!
I also got my yesasia.com order finally. It included the Keroro manga, the Hantsuki manga, Hayate Cross Blade, and Shikabane Hime. I’ll try and post pics and reviews and whatnot when I’ve got more time to breathe.
I just wanted to give a quick heads up, especially after reading this post about quitting the whole anime manga blogging scene and realizing I seem to be falling off the face of the Earth.