I already wrote previously about some Disgaea anime promos that I had seen, but I finally got to take a look at the latest DVD promo in all its hi-res glory! There’s almost 5 minutes worth of animated Disgaea goodness! Screencaps and whatnot after the jump!
After seeing this current promo, I am totally convinced that Makai Senki Disgaea is going to be an awesome anime. That is, if they can keep up the production values. Seriously, this looks like an OVA (and in some ways it is, since the promo itself costs money). Hopefully they’re not just including all the good stuff on the promotional video, and leaving talking heads in the actual anime.
In the promo, Etna uses various methods of waking up Laharl, Laharl and Chu-Boss have a 3D matrix fight, Laharl uses Rasengan to blow up the castle, and Flonne makes a cute appearance. We also see Captain Gordon and Jennifer (where’s Thursday?). Laharl fights some giant demon guy, and then Etna poses suggestively (repeatedly!) FTW!
Although Laharl is really the main character, I have a feeling that this anime will essentially be the Etna and Flonne show (or maybe I just hope it’ll be). Etna is freaking hot! And before you start screaming “bloody loli,” I think she’s like, thousands of years old, which makes her quite legal!
I didn’t see any Plenair in the promo, but maybe they’re saving her for later. Throw in some cameos from other Nippon Ichi games (Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a Phantom Brave Anime?), and you’ve got yourself a winning combination!
I guess I should add a disclaimer: I’m a huge NIS fanboy, and perhaps that is affecting my better judgement. Still, how can you not water at the mouth just thinking of the animated adventures of Beauty Queen Etna!?
Oh, and there was also some kind of interview with the voice of Laharl (I think) and some designer (I think). It was strangely set in some fancy candle-lit restaurant. I couldn’t really understand the interview, and I don’t think it was very interesting anyway. I think Laharl needs some more wine…
2 replies on “Makai Senki Disgaea -Makai e no Shotaijo- Promotional Video”
it looks nice
The series itself was nothing near the quality of the promo, sadly. Not a bad series really, but it was rather disappointing after watching this.